Knowing that I am loved unconditionally by God and that nothing I do or don’t do can separate me from his love is something I have to revisit everyday. Thank you, Sylvia, for reminding me that 'It is finished.'
—Tullian Tchividjian, bestselling author of One-Way Love: Inexhaustible Grace for an Exhausted World
Do you ever struggle with self-doubt? Do you wonder if God’s love, written in the pages of the Bible, is truly as infinite, unconditional, and tangible as it says? Do you wrestle with fear on a daily basis and feel that your fear is holding you back from living a full life?
If so, you are not alone. In Love vs. Fear, you will learn different ways to overcome fear with the power of God’s love. You will learn where your true value lies, and come to understand that God created you with a purpose and for a reason. One of those reasons is not to squash you down into nothing, but to build you up into the person He created you to be!
This book is filled with the stories of imperfect people who came face to face with a perfect love and overcame great fears. This can be your story too!

“Through vulnerable self-disclosure, helpful professional insights, truth-infusing scripture, and personally applicable prayer, she reveals how fear can be flushed out and instead be replaced and transformed by the powerful and unconditional love of God.”
– Lisa Elliott, speaker and award-winning author of The Ben Ripple
“I highly recommend Sylvia’s book, Love vs Fear. She had me questioning the fears that were hidden in my heart in the first few pages. As a quadruple amputee, I thought I had walked through my fears but to my surprise, I still had some. It’s a great read. Thanks for writing it, Sylvia!”
– Cyndi Desjardins Wilkens, speaker and award winning author of Shine On
​“Love vs. Fear is the beat of Sylvia’s heart laid bare. Join her in a quest for true freedom from this world, for liberty with the One who knows it all.”
– Amanda Legault, author of In My Wake
“I find myself quoting it nonstop!”
– Matt Falk, award winning comedian and writer